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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Dear blog, 

Today I was extremely nervous about going to the Warbeck's home. Sarah is a "rich kid", so she goes to private school. Her mother just has to be the headmistress.

I felt very scared. I wonder what it would be like to have your own mother as the headmistress ofyour school. I suppose it would be rather interesting, I guess. At that moment, panic set in.I knew it was something terrible. Behaviour , of course, oh and definitely manners. So I was prepared to be on my best behaviour, and always say "please", and "thank you". I wonder what Sarah thinks. Maybe she does very well in school with the help of her mother. Maybe it might not be such a bad thing after all, all your questions that has to do with school can be answered. Perhaps my attitude towards school would be better.

I felt rather tense, but fortunately, a surprising and very welcoming question popped up. "Perhaps you would like to have supper with us?" This question certainly made me feel more relaxed.I felt so welcomed, maybe Mrs Warbeck was very nice, and it was just my own imagination and impression of what a headmistress should be like. Mrs Warbeck thought I had to ask Eve if I could stay for supper. She said maybe I would like to call her, but I told her that Eve was in the shed. 
Mrs Warbeck seemed somewhat astonished when she said "In the shed?" Her tone was as if she was trying to tell me that at that hour, respectable mothers were supposed to be cooking for their respectable families while supervising homework. Well, not mine.I felt so undignified, I wish there had been a way to escape that moment.

I looked around, and immediately, I saw something that I recognised - "Town Bridge on a Bright Evening". This was a painting that was done by Eve. I felt so proud and honoured! My friend's mother actually owned a painting which was done by my mother, Eve!
 This first visit to the Warbeck's home was not so bad after all, it was actually quite enjoyable. I hope I will be able to go again! :)

Love, Saffy

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3:08 AM

Dear Blog,

Today, I met a girl called Sarah. She is really nice and friendly.

Unfortunately, she is disabled and travels on a wheelchair. Most of the people in my life never have it easy. But, being on the wheelchair definitely does not make her sad. She goes about on her wheelchair very fast. She also wants to drive. Actually, I met her by accident. Literally. When I first met Sarah, I was surprised that she already knew my name. She seemed so interested in me, i repeat, IN ME,SAFFRON. That really made me happy. Even my family members ignore me when I asked about my name on the colour chart. Sarah actually talked to me and she seemed to like me. I think I get along well with her. She might actually be my first real friend. This is great.

Nobody has ever been that interested on my side of the story or what I have to say.I went rattling on, telling almost EVERY incident that had ever occurred in my life. Finally, she talked about herself a little. Only then, I realised that she was one of the rich kids. Those who go to expensive school and live in GIGANTIC and POSH houses. Well, I STILL LIKE HER. I mean, I would rather have a friend who is rich rather than not have one at all.

She is my first ever friend and i will never ever let her go. We have even made a list of what we are going to do together:

Saffron and Sarah - Best friends forever

What we are going to do:
- Go to Siena

- Make Sarah walk

- Go to town on our own

- Find my angel

So far that is all we have got!

Even though I really like her, I did not want to invite her for supper. I would lose her. Caddy, Indigo and Rose would like her. By then, she may not be my friend anymore. She would be great friends with everyone in my family. Oh well, I will see how this goes.

Sorry, I got to go now. Bye!



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3:07 AM

Dear Blog,

I am feeling quite gloomy right now. As you all know, Grandad has passed away, unfortunately. A few days after Grandad's death, the nursing home sent Grandad's will to our house. Mum and Dad then decided to let us hear the will, even though it was 'out of date'. I was feeling a little unhappy when I looked at the will, most probably because the will reminded me of Grandfather and how much I miss him. He remembered my name, though he forgot everyone else's.

Grandfather wanted to give Caddy his property in Wales, as they used to go there for summer holidays, and Caddy seemed to love it a lot. Unfortunately, they had to sell the house after Grandfather got ill. Dad was being insensitive by saying that the house was worth nothing. Does he not know anything about sentimental value? Indigo was supposed to get Grandfather's car. Too bad they had to write it off when Grandfather had his first heart attack. Once again, Bill was telling Indigo that the car was an 'absolute wreck', and they could not claim a penny’. For Rose, Grandfather had plans of giving his remaining capital to 'any further grandchildren', born to Eve and Bill after the date of the will, which was, Rose. Sadly, all of Grandfather's money was used on medical bills. I thought I would not get anything, but there was a hand-written note about me that was not part of the will at all. This was what was written:

For Saffron, the angel in the garden.

There were three other words, but not very clear. I demanded to know where my stone angel was, Dad was mocking me, saying that it was ‘just a note’, with no witness and it was not legal. I’m really curious to find out more about my stone angel, it must be more than a ‘thought’, it must be real! I must find out more! Maybe I should ask Caddy, she should know something about the stone angel.

Love, Saffy!

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3:05 AM

Dear blog,


The nursing home called to informed us that Grandad had died! Bill did not to come back. Can you believe how heartless he is? I can hardly belive that he is my father uncle. He then decided to come home from London, but reluctantly, of course. my only close relative is now GONE. I can never ever see him again. I loved him ever so much. He saved my life! I can not help it but sometimes I feel that, it is because of ME grandad fell ill. If he was still out there, and could here me, I would tell him :

Dearest grandad,

First of all, I want you to know that I love ever so much and that you are very dear to me. I felt at times that you were my only close relative, and that only you could understand me. Even of we might not have had any form of communication. Those times when cried during your visits , were mainly because I felt sad, sad about the future, when you would not be around anymore. Unfortunately, that day has come very recently.

I hope that you are enjoying your after-life, How's heaven? Beautiful I bet. A place where all your worries and distress disappear. Grandad, consider yourself lucky.

Yours and forever more,



I've got to go now, Eve is feeling depressed.

Utterly sad,


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3:04 AM

Dear Blog,

This afternoon, when we arrived home after school, I was pleased to find Grandad in the kitchen. We all love him, lately with a sort of fierce defiance, like how we loved Rose years ago, when she had been impermanent. After seeing him, we hurried to make him feel welcomed in the Banana House.

Rose brought Grandad to look at the Banana picture she drew and he sat holding it in his hands for a long time before laying it down on the table.

Caddy told Grandad about her driving lessons. She told him that Bill had arrived from London and inspected her exam results (to which he was very surprised to see) and announced that it was time for Caddy to learn how to work. He enrolled Caddy at a college to resit everything she failed and booked her a course of driving lessons. Caddy also told Grandad how good she was at emergency stops and how bad she was at everything else, especially reversing. Surprisingly, Grandad looked as if he was listening.

Indigo asked Grandad to feel his almost visible biceps and Grandad appeared to feel it. Indigo apparently looked pleased and went away to find the picture of the ice axe he was saving up to buy. Rose said she wanted one too. I feel that she wants everything that we want but she is too young.

If you are curious, I did not bring anything to show him, talk to him or explain pictures of ice axes in catalogues like Indigo. I am usually fierce and alone but when I am with Grandad, I always feel gentle.

After a while, Caddy had to kiss Grandad goodbye as she had to leave for her driving lesson. Caddy is very unusual. She left with a hamster in her pocket for comfort, believe it or not!

Eve came out from her shed and tried to send Rose to bed, forgetting Rose’s supper. Indigo luckily saved the day, making fried corned beed sandwiches for everyone. However, Indigo was not careful and cut his finger on the corned beef tin and Rose had to help him bandage it because I would not, Caddy was out and Eve hated the sight of blood.

Afterwards, we all had a quarrel on who would eat the sandwiches that Indigo bled on and I decided not to eat it. I figured it would taste disgusting anyway. Suddenly, Grandad looked tired and when I turned to look at him he was terribly faded, narrow and lost. Once I saw him, I started to cry. I do not know why but I just did. I hugged him and Eve told me to bring him back to his nursing home.

I love my grandfather. I would hate for him to go…

Love, Saffy


2:59 AM

Rose's "best" painting
Dear blog, 

Today was Rose's first day at school. She used the 'horrible school wax crayons' to draw a picture of the Banana House. She thinks it is the "best" ever.

Rose then drew Eve sitting on the roof of the shed, waving. She drew all of us waving out of the window. Waving to Bill. Rose is so cute sometimes.

According to Rose, she took all day to complete her art, including two playtimes, storytime and most of lunch. Unfortunately, it was 'stolen' from her by the teacher, who pretended to be interested in it, and she pinned it high on the wall.

Indigo was waiting for Rose at the school gate, and was trying to comfort her. Rose was annoying Indigo. Out of anger, she said that she hated everyone at school, and that she would 'kill' them when she was big enough. She kept insisting that the art work was her best ever, and she did not want to go home. Not until Indigo gave in and decided to help her 'pinch' it off the wall. I guess he felt sad seeing Rose behave that way. It was just her first day at school.

After they took down the picture and brought it home, Indigo realised that if the teacher will notice that Rose picture was missing, and would ask her. Indigo then came up with and idea of copying the picture. I did not want to help her. How could I do that? She would never get away with copying the picture! The teachers are smart enough to realise that's it is a fake. Caddy then helped Rose to copy her painting. Honestly, it was quite good. She even made four holes at the corner of the picture to make it look more realistic.

Got to go now,

Saffy :)

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2:57 AM

Dear Blog,

You would never believe what I found out today. Finally, I got it out - I found out why my name was the only one not on the colour chart. I found out why I was the only one named by Eve's (deceased) sister. I do not understand this. It is all very confusing to me still. Even Caddy lied to me. Just to let you know, MY REAL MUM ISNOT EVE. IT IS HER SISTER. MY REAL MUM IS EVE'S SISTER.TWIN SISTER.

I know, you guys are puzzled too. Eve tried her very best to defend herself by saying that she was " waiting for the right time." Well, I am not getting any younger, am I? My aunt, I mean real mother, Eve's twin, had died in a car crash. Very devastatingly. Fortunately, grandad was visiting that day, and he brought me to England safely. He had taken all of my belongings with him, every crayon, every scrap of paper. Yet, I was crying uncontrollably although I had no clue about my previous caregiver. Grandad could sense it, I just knew it. He made a trip back to Siena, to retrieve the forgotten.Unfortunately, Grandad got into a little accident on the way, and the rest is unknown. With my luck, I should not even be alive right now.

This is Siena , my birth place! It is so magnificent that I could not resist but put this picturesque photo of Siena on my blog. Seeing this photo, I cannot help but feel so proud of being born here! :)

Finally, I found out the truth about who my family was, and more importantly, who I was.I never thought that everything would be this confusing. Eve, Bill and all of my siblings have kept such a big secret from me, and it will take a long time for me to forgive them.

Puzzled & hurt,



Dear blog,

This is my first time posting on this blog that Sarah helped me create. :)
There is a colour chart pinned up on the kitchen wall. Mummy Eve and Daddy Bill pinned it up. It has been there since I was eight. To me, they are as familiar to me as nursery rhymes and I always fall asleep to the list of colours. Everytime I look at it I can see Indigo, Rose and Caddy's "colours" almost immediately - But not mine.


Our Family's colour chart. Oh where oh where is my name? I  guess I have to persevere and keep looking for it though I have tried a thousand times.

By the way, Indigo is my adventurous little brother, Rose is my new baby sister and Caddy, my neat and organised older sister.
Even if I looked over and over again, I cannot find my name on that chart! When I asked my family to help me find it, Caddy was busy painting her hamster's feet, Rose kept screaming. At least Indigo tried to help me, saying that "Saffron's a Yellow ". A health visitor came to our house and kept asking Mum how she keeps her patience. It made me quite annoyed. Everyone was ignoring me even though I kept asking them to help me find my name on the colour chart.
I do not know why but when the health visitor asked if I knew about "it", the whole house became quiet. When I questioned Mum and the health visitor, they just said it was nothing. But I am still quite suspicious.

Rose kept sucking on this paint which was apparently Caddy's Yellow Ochre non-toxic paint. At least when the health visitor left, Mum gave Rose a crust of bread and she became quiet again, fortunately.

I asked Mum why my name was not on the chart before bedtime, but she just said that Saffron was a lovely colour and told her that her late sister had named Saffron.

That night, I kept having dreams of sunny place which was quiet and enclosed. There were little pointed trees and I could hear the sound of water. Caddy did not remember it, but she did say it was not her, it was me. This to me is terribly confusing. I mean, why is my name not on the colour chart when all my other siblings are. And why was I the only one whose name was chosen by Mum's sister? This is very strange. I got to go, will post more later.

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2:54 AM
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